File I/O for simple builds


Construct with val


Document this.


Call with mode

Gets the command-line arguments that were provided after the file name to execute. The given mode must be a current one, and it must permit CLI-time operations.


Call with mode

Gets an input path that corresponds to the input directory provided at the command line. The given mode must be a current one, and it must permit CLI-time operations.


Call with mode

Gets an output path that corresponds to the output directory provided at the command line. The given mode must be a current one, and it must permit CLI-time operations.


Call with input-path string

Gets an input path that is a child of the given one.


Call with mode input-path

Gets (file-type-directory), (file-type-blob), or (file-type-missing) depending on what exists at the given input path. The given mode must be a current one, it must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit observations on the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Construct with no projections


Document this.


Construct with no projections


Document this.


Construct with no projections


Document this.


Call with mode input-path

Lists the filenames in a directory. The given mode must be a current one, it must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit observations on the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Call with mode input-path

Reads a blob as a string in utf-8 encoding, replacing invalid sequences with the Unicode replacement character if necessary. The given mode must be a current one, it must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit observations on the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Call with output-path string

Gets an output path that is a child of the given one.


Call with output-path

Monadically creates the given output path and its ancestors as directories. If a single path is written as a blob and as a directory, both of those writes are errors. The current mode must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit contributions to the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Call with output-path possibly-encapsulated-string

Monadically creates the given output path’s ancestors as directories, creates the path itself as a blob, and overwrites its content with the given string in utf-8 format. The string may be a string or an (encapsulated-string …). If a single path is written as a blob and as a directory, or as a blob twice, both of those writes are errors. The current mode must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit contributions to the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Call with key value

Monadically sets up the given key-value pair of strings so that it’s part of the environment variables during the execution of the CLI interface’s --command option. The value string may be a string or an (encapsulated-string …). If the same key is shadowed twice, both shadow operations are errors. The current mode must permit CLI-time operations, and it must permit contributions to the original top-level definition namespace’s obscure descendants.


Implement the --command option. Until we do, this operation is pointless.