Sphinx/reStructuredText test page ================================= This is a page where we're testing Sphinx/reStructuredText syntaxes as we develop the Cene documentation. No highlighting: .. code-block:: none \;rm(def-struct foo a b c) str.\;qq[Hello, world!] \= Hello, comment! (defn ns-path ns path (let dex-component (dex-default (dex-string/nil) (dex-name/nil)) /foldl ns path /fn ns component (table-get-singleton/procure-sub-ns-table (table-shadow (name-of/dexable dex-component component) (yep/nil) /table-empty/nil) ns))) Default code highlighting (Cene):: \;rm(def-struct foo a b c) str.\;qq[Hello, world!] \= Hello, comment! (defn ns-path ns path (let dex-component (dex-default (dex-string/nil) (dex-name/nil)) /foldl ns path /fn ns component (table-get-singleton/procure-sub-ns-table (table-shadow (name-of/dexable dex-component component) (yep/nil) /table-empty/nil) ns))) Scheme highlighting, which apparently doesn't look very good applied to Cene code: .. code-block:: scheme (defn ns-path ns path (let dex-component (dex-default (dex-string/nil) (dex-name/nil)) /foldl ns path /fn ns component (table-get-singleton/procure-sub-ns-table (table-shadow (name-of/dexable dex-component component) (yep/nil) /table-empty/nil) ns))) Explicit Cene highlighting: .. code-block:: cene \;rm(def-struct foo a b c) str.\;qq[Hello, world!] \= Hello, comment! (defn ns-path ns path (let dex-component (dex-default (dex-string/nil) (dex-name/nil)) /foldl ns path /fn ns component (table-get-singleton/procure-sub-ns-table (table-shadow (name-of/dexable dex-component component) (yep/nil) /table-empty/nil) ns)))